9 - Kubernetes in Action (2nd edition)
Kubernetes in Action, 2nd edition
by Marko Lukša (2021) early access
Book #14
Friday evenings - 6:30 pm pacific time
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Los-Gatos-Rust-Reading-Group/events/277915552
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84281187589
Manning: https://www.manning.com/books/kubernetes-in-action-second-edition
Source code (zip file): https://www.manning.com/downloads/2110
Source code (github): GitHub - luksa/kubernetes-in-action-2nd-edition: Code from the Kubernetes in Action 2nd Edition book
Note as of May 7, 2021 -
Since there are only 8 chapters available so far in the MEAP for the 2nd edition and we’ve finished them, we’re moving on to another book until more chapters become available -
Istio in Action (10 of 13 chapters available, expected publication date July 2021)
Chapter 8 May 7, 2021 | Presenter |
8.1 Decoupling pods from the underlying storage technology | Amish |
8.2 Creating persistent volumes and claims | Amish |
8.3 Dynamic provisioning of persistent volumes | Casey |
8.4 Node-local persistent volumes | Casey |
Chapter 7 April 30, 2021 | Presenter |
7.1 Introducing volumes | Casey |
7.2 Using volumes | Amish |
7.3 Integrating external storage into pods | Amish |
7.4 Accessing files on the worker node’s filesystem | Casey |
Chapter 6 April 23, 2021 | Presenter |
6.1 Understanding the pod’s status | Amish |
6.2 Keeping containers healthy | Casey
6.2.4 Observing the liveness probe in action | Amish |
6.3 Executing actions at container start-up and shutdown | Amish |
6.4 Understanding the pod lifecycle | Amish |
Chapter 5 April 9, 2021 | Presenter |
5.1 Understanding pods | Andrew |
5.1.2 Organizing containers into pods | Andrew |
5.2 Creating pods from YAML or JSON files | Amish |
5.3 Interacting with the application and the pod | Amish |
5.3.3 Copying files to and from containers | Amish |
5.4 Running multiple containers in a pod | Casey |
5.5 Running additional containers at pod startup | Casey |
5.6 Deleting pods and other objects | Casey |
Chapter 4 Introducing the Kubernetes API objects April 9, 2021 | Presenter |
4.1 Getting familiar with the Kubernetes API | Andrew |
4.1.2 Understanding the structure of an object manifest | Casey |
4.2 Examining an object’s individual properties | Casey |
4.2.2 Understanding individual object fields | Amish |
4.2.3 Understanding an object’s status conditions | Amish |
4.2.4 Inspecting objects using the kubectl describe command | Andrew |
4.3 Observing cluster events via Event objects | Andrew |
4.3.2 Examining the YAML of the Event object | Andrew |
Chapter 3 Deploying your first application March 26, 2021 | Presenter |
Deploying a Kubernetes cluster | Amish |
Interacting with Kubernetes | Casey |
Running your first application on Kubernetes | Andrew |
Chapter 2 March 19, 2021 | Presenter |
Introducing containers | Andrew |
Exploring containers hands-on | Amish |
Understanding what makes containers possible | Casey |
Kubernetes in Action (2nd edition) March 12, 2021 | Presenter |
Introducing Kubernetes | Casey |
Understanding Kubernetes | Andrew |
Introducing Kubernetes into your organization | Amish |
Configuration - Kubernetes tutorial March 5, 2021 | Presenter |
Example: Configuring a Java Microservice | Amish |
Configuring Redis using a ConfigMap | Amish |
Learn Kubernetes Basics - Kubernetes tutorial | Presenter |
Create a Cluster | Casey |
Deploy an App | Amish |
Explore an App | Amit |
Expose Your App Publicly | Casey |
Scale Your App | Casey |
Update Your App | Amish |