Book #12 - Learn Functional Programming with Elixir

Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
by Ulisses Almeida (2018)

Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Los-Gatos-Rust-Reading-Group/events/277022891/
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84281187589
O’Reilly: https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/learn-functional-programming/9781680505757/
Source code (zip file): https://media.pragprog.com/titles/cdc-elixir/code/cdc-elixir-code.zip

UPDATE March 25, 2021 - 9pm - After some lengthy discussion about Elixir books at the meetup, which ended up taking all of our time tonight, we have come up with a nice list of books to consider. We’ll be discussing those further next week. For now, it looks like the best book to go to from here, which would be conducive to good discussions and be informative for beginners, particularly on the topic of OTP, would be

  • Elixir in Action (2nd edition)

    Afterwards, we can shift gears and proceed onto more challenging books such as

  1. Designing Elixir Systems with OTP: Write Highly Scalable, Self-Healing Software with Layers

  2. Real-Time Phoenix: Build Highly Scalable Systems with Channels

  3. Concurrent Data Processing in Elixir: Fast, Resilient Applications with OTP, GenStage, Flow, and Broadway

UPDATE March 25, 2021 - We’re back to meeting today to cover Chapter 5. Yay! Hopefully we’ll be able to wrap up the book in the next couple of weeks.

March 24, 2021 - For lack of interest at Chapter 5 of this seven-chapter book, Thursday nights are switching over to deep learning in a couple of weeks. If there is interest in doing the Elixir book “Programming Phoenix”, please let me know. I plan to finish the last two chapters of “Learn FP with Elixir” on my own. Thanks to all who have participated up to this point, making it a fun entry into this new language!

Chapter 5

Using Higher-Order Functions

March 25, 2021


Creating Higher-Order Functions for Lists


Using the Enum Module


Using Comprehensions

Pipelining Your Functions


Be Lazy


Exercises 1 - 4

Chapter 4

Diving into Recursion
February 25, 2021
March 4, 2021


Surrounded by Boundaries


Conquering Recursion


Tail-Call Optimization


Functions Without Borders


Using Recursion with Anonymous Functions


Exercises 1 - 5


Chapter 3

Using Pattern Matching to Control the Program Flow

February 18, 2021


Making Two Things Match


Unpacking Values from Various Types


Control Flow with Functions


Expanding Control with Guard Clauses


Elixir Control-Flow Structures


Exercises 1 - 4

Casey, Ganesh

Chapter 2
Working with Variables and Functions

February 11, 2021


Representing Values
Executing Code and Generating a Result
Binding Values in Variables


Creating Anonymous Functions


Naming Functions


Exercises 1 - 4
