Los Gatos Reading Group
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3 - From Objects to Functions
3 - Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
3 - Functional Programming in Java
3 - Functional Programming in Kotlin by Tutorials
3 - Functional Programming Ideas for the Curious Kotliner
3 - Racket Programming The Fun Way
3 - Introduction to Functional Programming using TypeScript and fp-ts
4 - Bitcoin Advent Calendar & Sapio (not an endorsement)
4 - Bitcoin Taproot Workshop
4 - Mastering the Lightning Network
4 - Sidechains
4 - Introducing Blockchain with Lisp
5 - *WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide*
5 - Game Development with Rust and WebAssembly
5 - *Programming Phoenix* ≥ 1.4
5 - Real-Time Phoenix
6 - BDD in Action (2nd edition)
6 - Ray Tracer Challenge
6 - ++**The BDD Books - Discovery**++
6 - The BDD Books - Formulation
6 - Java Testing with Spock
6 - JUnit in Action (3rd edition)
6 - Behavior-Driven Development with Cucumber
7 - Functional Design and Architecture (2nd edition)
7 - Software Architecture: The Hard Parts
7 - Clean Architecture
7 - Domain-Driven Design Distilled
7 - Domain Modeling Made Functional
7 - Seriously Good Software
7- Clean Craftsmanship
7 - The Pragmatic Programmer (20th anniversary edition)
7 - The Elements of Computing Systems (2nd edition)
8 - Clojure - *Programming Clojure* (3rd edition)
8 - Clojure - The Joy of Closure (2nd edition)
8 - Clojure - **Clojure in Action** (2nd edition)
8 - C++ Crash Course
8 - Elixir - *Metaprogramming Elixir*
8 - Elixir - The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook
8 - Go - *Network Programming with Go*
8 - Go - Mastering Go
8 - Go - Distributed Services with Go
8 - Go - Writing an Interpreter in Go
8 - Go - Writing a Compiler in Go
8 - Go - The Go Programming Language
8 - Java - The Well-Grounded Java Developer
8 - Java - Java Module System
8 - Java - How to Read Java
8 - Java - Effective Java (3rd edition)
8 - JavaScript - **The Joy of JavaScript**
8 - JavaScript - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
8 - JavaScript - Composing Software
8 - JavaScript - *Node.js 8 the Right Way*
8 - Kotlin - *Programming Kotlin*
8 - Python - Python Crash Course (2nd edition)
8 - Python - Practices of the Python Pro
8 - Python - Pythonic Programming
8 - Rust - Command-Line Rust
8 - Rust - Rust Servers, Services, and Apps
8 - Rust - Code Like a Pro in Rust
8 - Rust - Rust Brain Teasers
8 - Rust - **Rust Web Development**
8 - Rust - The Complete Rust Programming Reference Guide
8 - TypeScript - *Learning TypeScript*
9 - ** Learning Spark **
9 - Networking & Kubernetes
9 - Spring Boot: Up and Running
9 - Spring in Action (6th edition)
9 - Kubernetes Native Microservices with Quarkus and MicroProfile
9 - Core Kubernetes
9 - The Book of Kubernetes
9 - Kubernetes in Action (2nd edition)
9 - Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes
9 - Kubernetes Secret Management
9 - Build an Orchestrator in Go
9 - Service Mesh Patterns
9 - Spring Start Here
9 - Kafka in Action
9 - Mastering Kafka Streams and ksqlDB
10 - Quantum Computing in Action
11 - Building Git
11 - Graph Databases in Action
12 - Deep Learning and the Game of Go
12 - Real-World Algorithms
12 - Algorithms Illuminated - Part 1
12 - Programming Machine Learning
12 - A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms
12 - Algorithm Design with Haskell
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Los Gatos Reading Group
11 - Graph Databases in Action
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11 - Graph Databases in Action
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