Book #24 - Rust for Rustaceans
Rust for Rustaceans
by Jon Gjengset (2022)
Along with a chapter from Programming Rust, 2nd edition, Chapter 20 on asynchronous programming)
Tuesday evenings, 5 pm pacific time / 7 pm central time
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No Starch Press: Rust for Rustaceans
March 22, 2022
Provisionally, we are done with this book now, at least the chapters we were interested in doing. We might come back to discuss the final chapter, Chapter 13 The Rust Ecosystem.
Chapter 10 March 22, 2022 | Presenter |
The Trouble with Concurrency |
Concurrency Models |
Asynchrony and Parallelism |
Lower-level Concurrency |
Sane Concurrency |
Chapter 20 - Programming Rust, 2nd edition March 15, 2022 | Presenter |
From Synchronous to Asynchronous | Casey & Karthik |
An Asynchronous Client and Server | |
Primitive Futures and Executors: When is a Future Worth Polling Again? | |
Pinning | |
When is Asynchronous Code Helpful? |
Chapter 8 March 1, 2022 | Presenter |
What’s the Deal with Asynchrony? | Casey |
Ergonomic Futures | Casey |
| Pin and unpin | Karthik |
Going to Sleep |
Tying It All Together with spawn |
Chapter 7 February 22, 2021 | Presenter |
Declarative Macros | Casey |
Declarative Macros | Karthik |
Procedural Macros | Karthik |
Procedural Macros | Casey |
Procedural Macros | Casey |
Chapter 6 February 15, 2022 | Presenter |
Rust Testing Mechanisms | The Test Harness | Casey |
Rust Testing Mechanisms | #[cfg(test)] | Karthik |
Rust Testing Mechanisms | Doctests | Casey |
Additional Testing Tools | Linting | Viktor |
Additional Testing Tools | Test Augmentation | Raj |
Here is some interesting supplementary material on the issue Karthik and I were discussing (see Version-incompatibility hazards)
GitHub - dtolnay/semver-trick: How to avoid complicated coordinated upgrades
Let’s discuss this briefly at our next session.
Chapter 5 February 8, 2022 | Presenter |
Features | Karthik |
Workspaces | Viktor |
Project Configuration | Casey |
Conditional Compilation | Raj |
Versioning | Casey |
Chapter 4 | Presenter |
Representing Errors | Enumeration | Casey |
Representing Errors | Opaque Errors | Casey |
Representing Errors | Special Error Cases | Karthik |
Propagating Errors | Karthik |
Chapter 3 January 18, 2022 | Presenter |
Unsurprising | Naming Practices,, Common Traits for Types | Casey - January 18 |
Unsurprising | Ergonomic Trait Implementations, Wrapper Types | Casey - January 25 |
Flexible | Generic Arguments | Victor |
Flexible | Object Safety | Victor |
Flexible | Borrowed vs. Owned | Victor |
Flexible | Fallible and Blocking Destructors | Victor |
Obvious | Documentation | Karthik |
Obvious | Type System Guidance | Karthik |
Constrained | Type Modifications | Casey |
Constrained | Type Implementations | Casey |
Constrained | Hidden Contracts | Casey |
Chapter 2 December 21, 2021 | Presenter |
Types in Memory | Alignment | Victor S - December 21 |
Types in Memory | Layout | Victor S - January 11 |
Types in Memory | Complex Types, Dynamically Sized Types and Wide Pointers | Karthik - January 11 |
Traits and Trait Bounds | Compilation and Dispatch | Casey - January 11 |
Traits and Trait Bounds | Generic Traits | Casey - January 11 |
Traits and Trait Bounds | Coherence and the Orphan Rule | Casey - January 11 |
Traits and Trait Bounds | Trait Bounds | Karthik - January 18 |
Traits and Trait Bounds | Marker Traits | Karthik - January 18 |
Existential Types | Karthik - January 18 |
Chapter 1 December 7, 2021 | Presenter |
Talking About Memory | Casey - continuing on December 14 at “shadowing” (p. 4) |
Ownership | Jens - December 14 |
Borrowing and Lifetimes | Shared References | Vin - December 14 |
Borrowing and Lifetimes | Mutable References | Victor S - December 14 |
Borrowing and Lifetimes | Interior Mutability | Victor S - December 14 |
Borrowing and Lifetimes | Lifetimes | Karthik - December 21 |