Book #10 - Mastering the Lightning Network
Mastering the Lightning Network: A Second Layer Blockchain Protocol for Instant Bitcoin Payments
by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Olaoluwa Osuntokun, and Rene Pickhardt
(expected publication in Q4 2020)
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Github: GitHub - lnbook/lnbook: Mastering the Lightning Network (LN)
Holding Pattern
We are currently waiting for the next chapters of the book to reach Review status. Four chapters in Part 2 are in Early Draft status and seem likely to go to Review status soon.
The Bitcoin Lightning Network white paper | Presenter |
3 Bidirectional Payment Channels | Casey |
Lightning Pool White Paper | Presenter |
Section 1 | Sean |
Section 2 | Casey |
Section 3 | Sean |
Section 4 - The Channel Lease Marketplace | Casey |
4.2 Lightning Channel Leases | Casey |
4.3 Non-Custodial Auction Accounts | Casey |
4.4 Order Structure & Verification | Casey |
4.5 Auction Design | Casey |
Section 5 - The Shadowchain: A Bitcoin Overlay Application Framework | Franck |
5.3 The Shadowchain Framework | Franck |
Section 6 - Lightning Pool: A Channel Liquidity Markeplace as a Shadow Chain |
6.1.3 Channel Leases in the Lightning Network |
6.1.4 Order Structure |
6.1.7 Auction Batch Execution |
6.2 The Lightning Pool Shadowchain |
Presenter | |
Choosing your Platform | Franck |
Using an installer or helper | Franck |
Choose your Lightning node implementation | Franck |
Installing a Bitcoin or Lightning node | Casey |
Security of your node | Casey |
Node and channel backups | Casey |
Lightning node uptime and availability | Alex |
Channel management | Alex |
Routing fees | Alex |
Node management | Alex |
Chapter 4 - Exercises at end | Presenter |
Hackergarden | everyone |
Run a circular payment from a node back to itself in order to rebalance its own channels. See how that affects all the other channels and nodes. | Casey |
Chapter 4 - Part 2 (to the end) | Presenter |
The Lightning Network Daemon (LND) node project | Casey |
The Eclair Lightning node project | Casey |
Building a complete network of diverse Lightning Nodes | Casey |
Hackergarden | everyone |
Chapter 3 - Part 4 | Presenter |
Peer-to-Peer Communication Encryption | Casey |
Thoughts about Trust | Casey |
Comparison with Bitcoin | Casey |
Commonality of Bitcoin and Lightning | Casey |
Intro and Lightning Development Environment | Casey |
Docker Containers | Casey |
Bitcoin Core and Regtest | Casey |
The c-lightning Lightning node project | Casey |
Chapter 3 - Part 3 | Presenter |
| Amit |
Invoices | Franck - 13,700 |
Delivering the Payment | Franck - 20,000 |
Source-based Pathfinding | Franck - Moon! |
Peer-to-Peer Communication Encryption | Casey |
Thoughts about Trust | Casey |
Comparison with Bitcoin | Casey - back on earth there are the humble nanopayments as we shall discuss |
Commonality of Bitcoin and Lightning | Casey |
Chapter 3 - Part 2 | Presenter |
| Casey |
| Casey |
| Casey |
| Casey |
Chapter 3 - Part 1 | Presenter |
What is a payment channel? | Franck |
Payment channel basics | Franck |
Routing payments across channels | Franck |
Payment channels | Casey |
| Casey |
Chapters 1 & 2 | Presenter |
Introduction | Casey |
Lightning Nodes, Lightning Explorer, Lightning Wallets, Balancing complexity and control | Casey |
Alice’s First Lightning Wallet, Creating a New Wallet, Loading Bitcoin Into the Wallet | Casey |
From Bitcoin to Lightning Network | Casey |
Buying a Cup of Coffee | Casey |